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Oct 26, 2018 This makes much better use of the host OS resources. And Genymotion is so easy to setup and work with that it makes installing and running different emulator images a breeze. There are a few gotchas to getting this working, but the tl;dr version is this: Mac Run Genymotion and start an emulator. Genymotion for Mac is an easy-to-use Android emulator that has been designed to help app developers test their products within a safe, virtual environment. To install Genymotion for Mac, simply drag and drop the apps that are included in the archive, to your Applications directory.
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When I click the Genymotion icon on AStudios. I get a message asking to select a path to Genymotion folder. what should I type ?
You can find this information on the Genymotion site under the 'IntelliJ Plugin' heading. All you need to do is put in the file path to wherever you installed Genymotion.
Here are the default install paths for different operating systems:
Windows: C:Program FilesGenymobileGenymotion
Mac OS X: /Applications/Genymotion.app
Linux: /home/[user]/genymotion
Thanks for the reply,
How To Install Genymotion On Mac
My Genymotion is up and running now.
Genymotion Mac Os X 64 Bits
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